The classes on line are an absolute joy and bring a new aspect to yoga within the comfort of your home. Remember to email me, if you want to receive the newsletter which keeps you updated.
The only online class at present is Friday Mornings at 11.30 starting on the 10th September - No Class 1st October or 12th 19th of November
Class links are : please check the newsletter or text me if you are unsure of which classes are on...
Tuesday - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84237764227)
(at the moment this class is in real life at Malvern Cube at 11.15)
Thursday Eve 6.30 pm - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83590554576 ) -
( currently back at Martley Village Hall at 7pm
Friday Morn at 11.30 - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81389508190 -
If you want to join a class download "Zoom" to your computer or phone in advance.
Then all you do is click on this link or copy and paste it into your browser and hey presto you are in a virtual waiting room and I will let you in.
All Classes are £10
If you struggling financially please get in touch and we can work out something you can afford.....
My Account details are :09-01-27 04774798 Ms M White
also Paypal.me
I have a facebook page where I am posting some of the postures and vinyasa we are working with through lockdown. Click Here to link to face book or just have look here......